Wednesday, June 8, 2011

AboutUs Weblog

AboutUs Weblog

Video Marketing for Small Business

Posted: 07 Jun 2011 09:30 AM PDT

It's not hard to create a good marketing video for your small business.You can’t travel the Web these days without bumping into a marketing video around the next corner. Small business owners and marketers may find the prospect of making videos daunting….but they needn’t.

Amy Dubin, the owner of Ringleader Communications in Portland, Oregon, tells you how to lay out the task in her article, Planning Your Small Business Video. Amy is a former video editor who also understands the challenges of marketing a small business on a budget. Her practical guidance will help you feel more confident that you can create a video to effectively promote your products and business.

Analyze your site's SEO with the AboutUs Site Report.At AboutUs, we understand the life of a small business owner. We know you’re the product designer & developer, the accountant, No. 1 salesman and copywriter, all rolled into one. The articles in our Learn section are designed to help you quickly grasp the concepts and most helpful tactics of search engine optimization and Web marketing. They’re just enough to get you going, but not enough to bog you down.

Take a spin through the Learn section, read a few articles, and let us know if there’s anything you’d like us to write about. We’re all ears:

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