Wednesday, November 24, 2010

AboutUs Weblog

AboutUs Weblog

AboutUs – The New Social Media Marketplace

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 12:03 AM PST

We’ve all received invitations on Facebook asking us to shop online, try new products, attend events, fundraisers and concerts. Savvy people use Facebook as a billboard for posting announcements and selling just about anything under the sun. While Facebook may be the ultimate new marketplace, promotional objectives can be met on AboutUs as well, or better!

AboutUs community members can create free wiki pages to promote a company, a product, marketable goods and services — all while directing potential customers and clients to their websites. Having an AboutUs wiki page is like having an auxiliary presence on the web, and a powerful one at that.

The key difference between AboutUs and Facebook lies in the vast visibility of our site. While Facebook boasts 500 million members, a posted promotion is only as powerful as the number of friends, fans, or connections a single person can have: Facebook puts a cap on 5000 friends. Even if your message goes viral, you can hope to reach, what, 25,000 people? Fifty thousand?

Those are big numbers, but AboutUs lets you reach an even bigger audience. An AboutUs wiki page can be found easily on the web and viewed by over three million unique visitors per month. When you craft an AboutUs page using relevant keywords and well-written content, you’re telling the world what makes your company unique.

Creating a page is easy and helping optimize your wiki page for search engines is our specialty. Let us show you how.

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