Friday, November 12, 2010

AboutUs Weblog

AboutUs Weblog

We’re Testing Our Redesign of

Posted: 11 Nov 2010 01:49 PM PST

If you’ve visited lately, you may have seen the new design we made available to a fraction of visitors last week.

As of today, every AboutUs visitor gets to see the new site. We’ve been working on this design for a few months to make it easier to use and deliver better information about websites more quickly.

One change you may notice right away is the navigation menu in the left-hand sidebar of every website profile page. Each link in that menu takes you to a different kind of information about that website.

We’d love to get  your feedback on the new site. Anything you can tell us will help us improve it for you. You can email us at, or simply click the “contact us” link at the very top of every AboutUs page.

Take Our Content – But Credit Us for It

Posted: 11 Nov 2010 09:48 AM PST

Thanks to a Google Alert, my colleague Mark noticed that an article we published in our Learn section appears word for word and image for image on a different website, with no attribution or link to our original piece. Links in our original article were actually changed to point elsewhere. Adding insult to injury, the site is even using the images that are hosted on our servers. article on Ispey.comWe published Keyword Research is Key to Online Success, by Christian Bullock, on September 23rd. On November 9th, the same article magically appeared on In case that URL gets taken down (I’m trying to be optimistic here), I’ve included a snapshot to the right.

This may remind you of Cooks Source magazine’s recent publication of an article the editor found on the internet. She credited the author, but neither asked her permission in advance nor compensated her. You can read our take on the Cooks Source scandal.

It’s not like no one has ever republished our content – after all, we publish our content under open copyright license. We only ask that someone who republishes our content attribute it properly to us, and include a link. But having a great piece of our original content claimed by another website as their own makes us think about what we  – and others – can do in this situation.

You’ll find advice and tips in my new article, What to Do If Your Content Is Stolen. I cover what you can do when your content is nabbed, and how to know if that’s happened.  I hope you find it useful, and that doesn’t find your content next :P

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