Friday, January 13, 2012



Was Google Caught in a Sting Operation in Kenya?

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 05:04 AM PST

Wow...this is

According to this post, Google was caught scraping Mocality, calling the listed businesses, soliciting that they move to Google "Get Your Business Online", disparaged the directory they were scraping in the client call, and then lied about having the permission of the directory they were scraping to try to con businesses into working with Google.

A few select quotes:

There are absolutely no costs, and this will be agreed on before it's put on… No one will come and tell you like Mocality used to do, someone tells you it's free and then they come to ask for money. You know that Google doesn't fool around here.
Mocality used to charge people and many of the people who used to be in Mocality we have taken them and transferred them here. Didn't we also find you on Mocality?
Ai…they used to…but some people didn't used to pay. They [Mocality] used to go and ask people to pay them around Ksh. 20,000 and people refused. It was things like that.)

Google's business model *is* buying or building things that are free and then later pulling back features and/or sneaking costs in on them. Whether it be clubbing Android carriers with compatibility, saying search ads are evil then placing them everywhere, Google Maps API terms changes, terms changes on the Google AdWords API, Google hotel place listings with endless price ads, or keyword (not provided) in web analytics while trying to force you to register in Google Webmaster Tools to get any keyword data at all!

As if that wasn't bad enough, when the fake business asked Google if Mokality was ok with this, this was the exchange:

My question is does Mocality know that you're getting their con…our contacts from their directory?
Yah. They know. They know that very well. They have agreed with Google when they were on that thing.

I have long stated that the difference between spam and quality content is who is spamming. With the recent widely criticized over-promotion of Google+ in the search results and this sort of scrape, lie & disintermediate the source Google's true character is shining through.

Facebook & Twitter are smart not to leave the barn door open for Google.

All information wants to be free and wrapped in Google's ads. Or so the saying goes...until they can be trusted it won't be. And they have done A LOT of brand damage to themselves in the past couple months.


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