Wednesday, October 19, 2011

AboutUs Weblog

AboutUs Weblog

Social media helps your SEO

Posted: 18 Oct 2011 02:28 PM PDT

As a freelance writer and blogger, I want my articles and blogs to be read. If people are going to read my articles, they have to find them first.  So, I spent some time this morning reading about search engine optimization (SEO) and its connection to social media.

I discovered that SEO and social media are inextricably linked.  Up until now, I subscribed to the mindset that social media is a waste of time, but I suspended my disbelief and dug further.  I’m a visual person, so finding this fabulous graphic from Lee Odden helped me put together the pieces of the big, complex SEO puzzle- and fit in the social media piece.

Diagram of SEO and Social Media

Diagram of SEO and Social Media courtesy of Lee Odden at Top Rank Online Marketing

Let’s start with the first step in Odden’s model. “How do I create and promote optimized assets?”  I found Foqrul Islam’s article on how to make social media content interesting, and learned the most important thing is creating content that is catchy and caters to your users’ opinions. Of course, it’s a good idea to add visual interest and write a catchy title.

“How do I get readers to share it?” Make sure your content is relevant to your title and catches your readers’ attention.  Linking to your site from other venues, such as You Tube or Twitter, can give people more avenues to come to your site.

“How can increased interest help my site?” When people share links to your site, that tells search engines your site is valuable.  Increasing social media rankings is a great way for you to boost your position in search results.


” So, when I click on a company’s Facebook page and share it with friends,  I’m influencing that company’s SEO?” Yes! This is the ultimate form of grassroots marketing.  Social shares are votes for a site, which search engines use to help them decide how to rank sites.  More shares makes your site look better to search engines and increase your site’s ranking.

“How do I make the most out of all this new interest?” What you learn from your reader’s interest and votes will help you to plan future content.   I have a new appreciation for social media and a few new ideas for my clients’ websites and my own blog.  Social media = power to the people.




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