Tuesday, May 10, 2011

AboutUs Weblog

AboutUs Weblog

A Visitor at AboutUs: Nick Burrus

Posted: 09 May 2011 10:00 AM PDT

We were excited today to meet Nick Burrus in person! Nick is a longtime member of AboutUs, and has enthusiastically contributed to many of our projects over the past few years.

Nick and his dad, James, were en route from their home in California to Seattle, where they’ll depart for an Alaskan cruise. It’s something Nick’s wanted to do for years. We were flattered when James said that coming to our office and meeting us was actually the part of the trip that Nick was anticipating most eagerly. :-)

As for us, meeting Nick was like meeting a celebrity who’s also kind of a pen pal. You get to know someone over the Web, and it’s exciting to finnnnaalllly meet them in person!

Nick Burrus visits AboutUs

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