Wednesday, January 19, 2011

AboutUs Weblog

AboutUs Weblog

Great video from Wikipedia 10 Portland Party, a success!

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 12:00 PM PST

We had a great time and Travis put together a great video from people wishing Wikipedia a happy WikiBirthday! 17 people – some serious, some silly…

There is also this cool birthday card we are sending to the Wikimedia Foundation!

And some pictures:

Page Headings Can Help Your Site Rank Higher

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 10:00 AM PST

H headings on Ben-Rush.comRemember your sixth-grade teacher stressing the importance of section headings in an outline?

Okay, maybe sixth grade has vanished from memory. But web page headings are super-important for telling both search engines and people what the page is about. The right headings can help your pages rank higher in search results.

AboutUs community ambassador Kristina Weis offers tips for creating effective headings on your web pages in her article, How H1 and Other Headings Help SEO.

Kristina’s new article is the latest in our collection of pieces for website owners and small business owners. You’ll find all kinds of help on search engine optimization (SEO), choosing the right keywords, link building and other tactics for getting more visitors to your website.

Browse the Learn section of, and let me know if there’s a web marketing topic you’d like us to cover. Got some online marketing experience to share with AboutUs visitors? Let me know:

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